- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - hostese
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - vrpca
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - pozdrav
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - start utrke
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - pobjednik utrke
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - Ostali na cilju
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - skupna InBici
- Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić 2019 - hostese Hyundai
The bicycle race “Gran Fondo Nevio Valčić” 100 kilometers through Istria took place on Sunday 26 May 2019 year for the fourth time. The race is held in memory of Nevi Valčić, who as a member of the Cycling Club in Pula won more than 100 awards in national and international races. You can see a short section of this year’s race in this gallery, and you can see the whole gallery on their official website and Facebook page .
Websitehttps://www.granfondoneviovalcic.comLocation Medulin