Lana Barić
Lana Barić na Pula Film Festivalu 2021.
Gracija Filipović
Gracija Filipović iz filma Murina na 68. Pulskom filmskom festivalu 2021. godine
Mia Negovetić
Mia Negovetić u Puli na otvaranju 68. Pulskog filmskog festivala
Paweł Pawlikowski
Paweł Pawlikowski poznati poljski filmaš i oskarovac na Pulskom filmskom festivalu
Đorđe Balašević - 20190817
Đorđe Balašević u pulskom amfiteatru 17. 08. 2019.
Devin Juraj
Nastup mladog glazbenika Devin Juraj na pulskom Forumu povodom Svjetskog dana glazbe
Nina M closeup portrait
Nina M closeup portrait
Nina studio photo 01
Nina studio photo 01
Jelena Vitasović
Prekrasna voditeljica sa Radio Medulina Jelena na otvaranju 67. Pula Film Festivala
Aleksandra Madsen
Aleksandra Madsen (rođ. Mišić) je poznata hrvatska plesačica, koreografkinja i osnivačica plesne kompanije MASA Dance Company. Rođena u Puli, živi i radi u Zagrebu
Vila na Legendfestu
Vila na Legendfestu u Pićnu.
Vila na Legendfestu
Vila na Legendfestu u Pićnu
Ženski portret (Model: Dani )
Jurica Pavičić
Jurica Pavičić - pisac, kolumnist i filmski kritičar
Emma K
Close-up portret
Portraits and portrait photos not only show a person’s appearance, but also show their personality and emotions. When it comes to portraits of people, the photographer’s goal is to capture what makes each of us unique.
This means that portrait photography is not just about a person’s appearance. Instead, a good portrait photograph reflects the personality of the subject, their background and environment, while simultaneously using light, composition and color to create a unique atmosphere.
Portrait photography is not only a technical skill, but also an art. When a photographer wants to capture the subject’s personality, he must connect with him. This means that it is important to ask the right questions, create a relaxing atmosphere and be patient.
Ultimately, the goal of portrait photography is not just to create a beautiful image, but to portray a person in a unique and memorable way. This is what makes portrait photos so special – they not only show a person’s appearance, but also their personality.
Most of my work from the Portraits gallery is available for purchase and licensing and can be used in print, TV and other digital media. Contact me for more information on photo licensing.